Frequently Asked Questions

  • There is no minimum age. The upper age limit is approximately 25 years, but this is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

  • After a referral has been submitted, a member of the team will be in touch for an introductory phone call with the family. The purpose of this is to gain a clearer picture of the child’s needs and if we are the most suitable service for them.

    A list of services and fee schedule will be offered at this time.

  • Once we have made initial contact with the family, a more detailed information form will be sent out to be completed.

    Assessments are then usually completed across two 45-minute sessions, held on different days. In addition to seeing an advanced clinician, your child will be scheduled an appointment to see a rehab paediatrician.

    It can be also helpful to bring along any previous reports or clinic letters to discuss.

  • Part or potentially full cover for the initial assessment and follow up medical appointments may be covered depending on the insurance company and policy. If this applies to you, please inform our team at the time of making a booking.